It will rain with a fearful hail of animals.Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)HOLBROOK, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — It has been a full week of rude awakenings for a Long Island couple, who said their home has been under siege by a group of birds slamming into their windows over and over again. As CBS 2’s Elise Finch reported Monday, the problem that Peter and Lisa Kersich of Holbrook have been experiencing is common at this time of year. The loud thumps have been waking them up morning after morning. “Boom, boom, boom – that’s what it sounds like,” said Peter Kersich. “It’s a pretty good hit on the window,” said Lisa Kersich. The thumping started around 6 a.m. one morning and continued throughout the day. The couple sat by their window until they caught the culprits in the act. It turned out it was a small group of robins flying headfirst into their windows.“Just right into the window, full steam ahead,” Lisa Kersich said. “We don’t know how he’s not getting hurt,” Peter Kersich said. Experts said at this time of year, the Tri-State Area serves as a resting point for thousands of migrating birds and some of them are easily confused by things like windows. “New York City Audubon estimates that 90,000 birds die each year in New York City alone,” said licensed wildlife rehabilitator Rita McMahon, of the Wild Bird Fund Inc. McMahon said reflective surfaces confuse birds. They either view them as more clear spaces and fly into them, or they see their own reflection and think they are seeing another bird – one they want to fight and chase away. McMahon said if the birds are bothering you, you should put bird-shaped decals on your windows, place strips of shiny material such as Mylar across your windows, or do the same with Saran wrap. “Whatever they can do to stop the mirror image of what’s out there will then tell the bird, ‘No, I’m not continuing in the same vein,’” McMahon said. Peter and Lisa Kersich said at this point, they will try almost anything to keep the birds from hurting themselves and depriving them of precious sleep. In one piece of good news, the spring migration ends in three weeks, so confused migratory birds should soon be gone.
Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette
"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Melanie