Thursday, October 27, 2016

DOOM! Cardinal Sarah Visits Norcia & Blesses Monastery & Four Days Later A Pair Of Apocalyptic Aftershocks Strike Turning Buildings Into Ruble!

22 Oct. 2016
Several cities will be shaken down and swallowed up by earthquakes. People will believe that all is lost. Nothing will be seen but murder, nothing will be heard but the clash of arms and blasphemy. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
Water and fire will give the earth's globe convulsions and terrible earthquakes which will swallow up mountains, cities, etc.. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
There will be thunderstorms which will shake cities, earthquakes which will swallow up countries. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Will the Norcia Monks move?

Something strange is going on with the Monks of Norcia. Is it hell attacking the Monks? or maybe the Lord of Earthquakes Himself?

Of course many will say that the region of Italy always suffers quakes - so its no big deal.

Then again...

In the 24 Aug. earthquake that killed over 300 the monks were just getting up to say Matins & Laudes when it hit.

This time the the pair of quakes hit just after the monks said their Vespers and the second quake hit after the monks said their compline.

“It reminds me of Bethlehem.”
With these words, Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship at the Vatican, brought consolation and inspiration to the ears of his listeners — the 10 monks of San Benedetto in Monte. In the early hours of October 22, we gathered together for the Cardinal’s blessing of our temporary living quarters. 
After sprinkling the kitchen, scriptorium, beds and chapel, he declared gently but powerfully: “I am certain that the future of the Church is in the monasteries… because where prayer is, there is the future.” 
Planned long before the earthquake, His Eminence’s visit for a speech to the local lay chapter of the Association of St. Benedict, Patron of Europe, became the occasion for a visit to the damaged buildings and personal time with the monks. After assisting at Conventual Mass in choir, the Cardinal brought his gentle tone and gracious words to an informal gathering of the entire monastic community and answered our questions with candor and depth, reminding us that, just as Pope Benedict XVI has given us an example of the importance of prayers, we are called to be men of prayer for the entire Church, to help bring up to heaven all who encounter us in one broad sursum corda. 
This delightful visit was no doubt the highlight of the week, but as we prepared for it we also cleaned the property and enjoyed an intense mountain hike to explore the 17th century stone walls surrounding the property. We were searching for the best places to pray — and for a spot to picnic! 
Other discoveries this week have included the surprise donation of a gas stove top from a local restaurant. Monks in town made a fraternal visit to the Benedictine monastery of S. Pietro in Perugia which has often hosted our monks while they study Italian. The leaves are now changing color and the mountainside of Norcia reminds of autumn in New England. We know many there and throughout the world are praying for us and as winter comes closer, know that your prayers are appreciated as we now have roofs over our heads and a warm fire. Deo Volente, we might just have our church of San Benedetto in Monte open by Christmas. A new Bethlehem indeed. 
We produce below a transcript of the Cardinal’s words to the monks at San Benedetto in Monte following the blessing:

Thank you for this welcome, for the prayer this morning, and for asking me to bless this house, which reminds me of Bethlehem, where it all began. Salvation began in Bethlehem, in absolute poverty, and I think that we should follow Christ in this, in His poverty, which is also the humility of God. God is humble, God is poor, but He is rich in love. To live here means that your heart is full of the love of God, for you cannot live with God without loving him. Love is at the center of all of our work. This is why the revelation that Jesus gives us says that the Lord, our Father, is love, and that everything we do comes from love, above all. 
I ask that this be a place of love for the Lord. I am certain that the future of the Church is in the monasteries, because where prayer is, there is the future. Where there is no prayer, there is disaster, division, war. Perhaps I am not an optimist, but I see that a church that doesn’t pray is a disastrous church. Since you are a church that prays, the whole of the Church is here. 
So I thank you for your commitment, for this manifestation of your love, for the expression of your love in continuous prayer. Pray for the Church, pray for the Holy Father, for his collaborators and for me. I promise you now that I am familiar with your home, that I will always pray for you and ask the Lord to continue to send you more young men to join your life that serves the Lord in prayer, in silence and, above all, in solitude. 
Thank you, pray for me. I promise to pray for you. And if the Lord gives me life, perhaps I will return to see your new home. But never forget poverty, never forget humility, and if your house is beautiful, remain always humble and poor. Thank you. 
– Robert Cardinal Sarah – 
October 22, 2016 
In Christ,  
Fr. Benedict 
Four days later after Cardinal Sarah pays the monks a visit and blesses their temporary digs the pair of earthquakes hit:

Italy's 'unending nightmare': Historic churches and homes are brought to rubble by TWO powerful earthquakes - just months after same region was shattered by massive shake that killed 300 people  
Many residents in central Italy say they are unable to 'shake off the fear' as two powerful earthquakes have rocked the region, devastating historic buildings and leaving thousands homeless, two months after a quake that killed nearly 300 people hit the area. On Wednesday, two quakes, about two hours apart, damaged several buildings, including Campi's late 14th century church, San Salvatore a Campi di Norcia, whose rose-windowed facade was reduced to rubble. The first tremor measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale came at 7.10pm local time on Wednesday, near Visso in Macerata province. The second quake, measuring 6.1, came two hours later, wiping out buildings and plunging homes into darkness. It was felt as far away as Venice in the far north, Naples in the south and the capital, Rome, where historic buildings are reported to have shaken, 80 miles away from the epicentre near Perugia. On August 24, a 6.2-magnitude quake struck just 45 miles away from Wednesday's quake. The latest two were probably a result of August's seismic break, Massimiliano Cocco from Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology said. 'It's never ending. These damned earthquakes won't leave us alone!,' restaurateur Linda Cappa said as she handed out pastries, hot coffee and juice to the traumatised residents of Ussita, close to the quake's epicentre, in the early hours of the morning. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

Cardinal Sarah  did say one strange thing during his visit to Norcia:
“It reminds me of Bethlehem.”
I don't see how Norcia would remind  anyone of  Bethlehem, seeing that 
Now Christ willed to be born of a Virgin Mother under an edict of Roman authority, according to the testimony of Luke, his scribe, in order that the Son of Man, made man, might be numbered as a man in that unique census. This fulfilled the edict. It were perhaps more reverent to believe that the Divine Will caused the edict to go forth through Caesar, in order that God might number Himself among the society of mortals who had so many ages awaited His coming. 
 So Christ in His action established as just the edict of Augustus, exerciser of Roman authority. Since to decree justly presupposes jurisdictional power, whoever confirms the justice of an edict confirms also the jurisdictional power whence it issued. Did this power not exist by Right, it would be unjust. De Monarchia
I doubt very much any of the monks of Norcia desire to see a restoration of the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor, let alone, be subject to his rule as Jesus Mary and Joseph were.

Yeah. so Norcia and Bethlehem have nothing in common.

Señor de los Temblores (Lord of the Earthquakes)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

John Podesta Email On Pope Francis' New Laudato Si Church

“Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God. They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Re: For approval: Pope tweet
Date: 2015-06-19 14:39
Subject: Re: For approval: Pope tweet

How's this?

.@Pontifex is right—climate change is a 
moral crisis that disproportionately harms the neediest among us. We need 
leadership, not denial. -H 

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 11:12 AM, John Podesta wrote: 

> I'm ok. We are kind of slow on the draw here so might try to do something 
> more forward leaning like encyclical + Pope's September visit to US & UN 
> add critical momentum to Paris conference. Other way to take this is to
> thank him for pointing out that the people at the bottom will get clobbered 
> the most by climate change. 

> On Jun 19, 2015 9:20 AM, "Teddy Goff"  wrote: 
>> Adding Podesta here too for his review. I vote #2, but defer to the 
>> non-Jews on this thread if anyone thinks "amen" might rub people the wrong 
>> way. 
>> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9:14 AM, Lauren Peterson < 
>>> wrote: 
>>> I believe these are the two we landed on as far as people's favorites. 
>>> Sounds like we're ready to move forward with this today, though will 
>>> confirm before posting. Nick, I know we have another signed tweet with you 
>>> on Juneteenth, so hoping to add this to the pile if folks are ok with the 
>>> below options. 
>>> ### 
>>> Real problems take real solutions. Thank you, @Pontifex 
>>> , for shining a light on the crisis of 
>>> climate change. -H 
>>> There's only one thing to say about @Pontifex 
>>> 's bold statements on climate change & 
>>> renewable energy: Amen. -H 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

VIDEO: False Secular Prophet Of DOOM Shep Smith: "You And Everyone You Know Are Dead!"

Everyone is getting into the Prophecy business - even weathermen!

"This moves 20 miles to the west, and you and everyone you know are dead — all of you — because you can't survive it. It's not possible unless you're very, very lucky. And your kids die, too."

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Good Angels Or Bad Angels? Which Camp Is Fulfilling Their Office By Governing Hurricane Matthew Into Florida?

Hurricane Matthew

Which camp?

Good Angels?


Bad Angels?

Which camp is responsible for governing the course of Matthew?

Let's start with a writer at Andrew Bieszad  who said that the Good Angels are directing Hurricane Matthew into Florida:
Angels -the ones obedient to God- in the Bible always play important roles in executing God’s will, both for aiding man in his struggle for righteousness and punishing him in accordance with God’s will. In the Old Testament angels appeared to Moses when he was in the desert, and the angel St. Raphael came to the aid of Tobit when he was under attack from the demon Asmodeus. In the New Testament it was the angel Gabriel who announced Jesus’ conception to St. Mary, an angel who announced to the Holy women news of Jesus’ resurrection, and it the book of Revelations it is St. Michael the Archangel who battles against the ancient dragon. Yet also in the same Bible it was angels who guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled from it on account of their sin, and it was the angel of death who slew by the command of God the firstborn of every living creature in Egypt following Moses prophecy to the Pharaoh about God’s impending punishment for his refusal to free the Hebrews from their bondage. Interesting.

The Bible clearly teaches that in the Old Testament whenever the Hebrews were very disobedient towards God, He would send punishments against them, many times in the forms of natural disasters. Christian history also recognizes the same, where God will use His creation to execute judgment against the wicked. While not all bad weather is necessarily a sign of sin, both sacred scripture and sacred tradition clearly note that it can be so. Now we know that Florida is an area that is infected with sin, especially cities such as Miami and Orlando, which are veritable dens of sodomy. But instead of looking at mere particularities, I thought I would ask a broader question- Is there any “homosexual” activities going on this month in either the Orlando or Savannah areas? Sure enough, I found that both Orlando and Savannah are having massive sodomite pride parades this month, especially in Orlando, which is sponsoring this very weekend as the hurricane is about to hit a massive “coming out” parade sponsored no less than with the major support of the city itself and major corporate backers: More Here>>>>>>>>

OK its reasonable to believe that the good Angels do the will of God in this matter in order to punish the wicked Sodomites and those wicked souls who promote Sodomy through their indifference and outright perverse wills.

But there is a danger in this belief that the Good Angels are the ones sending Matthew on its destructive path.

The danger is this. The wicked souls will not see the error of their ways nor will they repent. So therefore the wicked will not look to God, to ask for help, and they certainly will not look to the Good Angels let alone their Good Guardian Angels for help. Because the wicked are perverse in their ways. So the wicked get things wrong very wrong.

If you tell the wicked that God's Good Angels are sending Matthew to punish them for their sins, the wicked will only laugh at you and will probably curse God and His saints.

So, no. It's not the Good Angels who are sent on this destructive mission off the coast of Florida.

It's the Demons of the darksome atmosphere who are in charge of this destructive work.

The bad angels still must fulfill the will of God, and the wicked Angels like nothing more than to destroy men. So its the demons of hell (upper atmosphere) who are in charge of this destructive work.

Other evidence is from the the Mother of God who said at La Salette:
“Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God. They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Because of the perversity of modern man, many will look away from God and turn to the demons for help. Because of poor religious formation in the home,many who think they are in communication with good spirits are actually in communication with demons.

As Our Lady at La Salette said men will build churches in honor of these demons who have been given great control over nature.

According to St. Thomas in his Summa, Lucifer was set over the terrestrial order:
Article 7. Whether the highest angel among those who sinned was the highest of all? 
I answer that, Two things have to be considered in sin, namely, the proneness to sin, and the motive for sinning. If, then, in the angels we consider the proneness to sin, it seems that the higher angels were less likely to sin than the lower. On this account Damascene says (De Fide Orth. ii), that the highest of those who sinned was set over the terrestrial order. This opinion seems to agree with the view of the Platonists, which Augustine quotes (De Civ. Dei vii, 6,7; x, 9,10,11). For they said that all the gods were good; whereas some of the demons were good, and some bad; naming as 'gods' the intellectual substances which are above the lunar sphere, and calling by the name of "demons" the intellectual substances which are beneath it, yet higher than men in the order of nature. Nor is this opinion to be rejected as contrary to faith; because the whole corporeal creation is governed by God through the angels, as Augustine says (De Trin. iii, 4,5). Consequently there is nothing to prevent us from saying that the lower angels were divinely set aside for presiding over the lower bodies, the higher over the higher bodies; and the highest to stand before God. And in this sense Damascene says (De Fide Orth. ii) that they who fell were of the lower grade of angels; yet in that order some of them remained good.  
 But if the motive for sinning be considered, we find that it existed in the higher angels more than in the lower. For, as has been said (Article 2), the demons' sin was pride; and the motive of pride is excellence, which was greater in the higher spirits. Hence Gregory says that he who sinned was the very highest of all. This seems to be the more probable view: because the angels' sin did not come of any proneness, but of free choice alone. Consequently that argument seems to have the more weight which is drawn from the motive in sinning. Yet this must not be prejudicial to the other view; because there might be some motive for sinning in him also who was the chief of the lower angels.

Further proof of men's folly in worshiping these demons who have great control over nature is, again, found in the words of Our Lady at La Salette who said:
“Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God.Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
What are these evil books?

One of these books is the very book written by Pope Francis -  Laudato Si' 

Laudato Si'  is the blue print in creating a new church to serve powerful dark spirits who have control over nature.

Many perverse men will look to this new dark church for help, due to the many natural disasters that are coming our way. And because these disasters are directed by demons, many men will beg these demons to alleviate their plight, thus fulfilling the words of Our Lady at La Salette.

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT, 
Shepherdess of La Salette
"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Melanie 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Evil Portent For EAST COAST! Scary Skull Of Matthew!

Water and fire will give the earth's globe convulsions and terrible earthquakes which will swallow up mountains, cities, etc.. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)  
And then water and fire will purge the earth and consume all the works of men's pride and all will be renewed. God will be served and glorified. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Evil Portent Washes Up On Shore: Video Of Dead Mermaid & St. Isidore of Seville Etymologies On Mermaid/Sirens

People imagine three Sirens who were part maidens, part birds, having wings and talons; one of them would make music with her voice, the second with a flute, and the third with a lyre. They would draw sailors, enticed by the song, into shipwreck. 31. In truth, however, they were harlots, who, because they would seduce passers-by into destitution, were imagined as bringing shipwreck upon them. They were said to have had wings and talons because sexual desire both flies and wounds. They are said to have lived among the waves because the waves gave birth to Venus. 32. People tell of Scylla as a woman girded with the heads of dogs, with a great barking, because of the straits of the sea of Sicily, in which sailors, terrified by the whirlpools of waves rushing against each other, suppose that the waves are barking, waves that the chasm with its seething and sucking brings into collision. Etymologies

On Pestilence: St. Isidore of Seville's Etymologies

From Book IV: On Acute Illnesses: 17. Pestilence is a contagion that as soon as it seizes on one person quickly spreads to many. It arises from corrupt air and maintains itself by penetrating the internal organs. Although this is generally caused by powers in air, it never occurs without the consent of God. 18. It is called pestilence (pestilentia) as if it were pastulentia, because it consumes (depascere, ppl. depastus) like fire, as Vergil, Aen. 5.683): The pestilence descends on the whole body*. Likewise contagion (contagium) is from ‘touching’ (contingere), because it contaminates anyone it touches. 19. The swellings (inguen) (ie. bubonic plague) are so called from their striking the groin (inguen). Pestilence is also called plague (lues), so called from destruction (labes) and distress (luctus), and is so violent that there is no time to anticipate life or death, but weakness comes suddenly together with death. (p. 110-111). More>>>>>>