Saturday, May 30, 2015

India's Brutal Heatwave - Over Two Thousand Dead!

India's brutal weeks-long heatwave has killed more than 2,000 people, authorities announced today. The country's government has launched a mass education campaign to help people cope with the scorching temperatures, which are averaging around 45 degrees Celsius. Hundreds of India's poorest die at the height of summer every year, but this year's toll is the second highest in the history.According to EM-DAT - the international disaster database - it is already the fifth worst heatwave for recorded deaths in global history. The southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - which have so far borne the brunt of the heatwave - have so far accounted for 1,979 deaths. A further 17 people died in Orissa, eastern India, while nine people were reported dead elsewhere in the country, taking the death toll to 2,005.  Daily Mail Read More>>>>>>

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